
The Ultimate Guide to Spiders

by | Aug 30, 2023

You’ve most likely encountered a fair share of spiders in your life. From itsy bitsy spiders to larger creepy crawlers, we’re all familiar with the eight-legged pest.While spiders are a familiar pest, many homeowners’ background knowledge surrounding the web-making wonder stops at nursery rhymes. It’s always a great idea to be educated on the different types of spiders that you may spot in your home so you’ll know the appropriate next steps to take.

American House Spider

You’ve probably spotted an American House Spider before, as they are one of the most common house spiders. These spiders are tiny in nature and are approximately the size of a nickel.

American House Spiders typically have a grey coloring with white markings and a round abdomen. These spiders are truly artists of their own and often leave behind tangled or messy webs.

You’ll often find American House Spiders in the dark, closed-off areas. They typically set up camp in corners, underneath cabinets, and in basements. These small spiders are harmless, but if you notice an abundance of them, give our team a call, and our pest control specialists will be right out to take a look.

Black Widow

We’re all familiar with the iconic black widow spider. As their name suggests, black widows have a black, shiny color and red markings on their abdomen and back. These eight-legged crawlers hideout in mailboxes, garages, tall grass, and corners.

While black widows may be small, they can be pretty powerful. They’re one of the only spider species that pose a possible threat to humans. Bites from black widows may result in pain, muscle stiffness, and nausea. If you or a family member is bitten by a black widow, head to the ER immediately.

Wolf Spider

Don’t worry; these crawlers don’t howl at the moon! There are over 200 different species of wolf spiders throughout the country, and they range in size, the largest clocking in at an inch and a half long.

Wolf spiders can have a gray, brown, or black coloring and a hairy appearance. While they are often confused with tarantulas, these spiders would much rather hide than bite. These peace-loving pests love to hide out in basements, sheds, near debris, and under boards.

Daddy Longlegs

Daddy longlegs are easily recognizable thanks to their round body and lengthy limbs! The famous daddy longlegs is often misunderstood, as many individuals fear the long-legged creature. However, daddy longlegs spiders are virtually harmless to humans.

They can usually be found outside on the lawn or on and around decks. If you spot a daddy longlegs on your deck, don’t be alarmed! However, if you notice an unusual amount of these spiders, give our team a call for a professional inspection.

Brown Recluse

As its name suggests, the brown recluse can be identified by its signature brown coloring. Many also have a violin-shaped marking along the back and head. You can also easily spot a brown recluse by their eyes, which are often arranged in rows of two.

The brown recluse loves to hide out in quiet corners, sheds, and cellars. The brown recluse is known for its nasty bite, which can be harmful to humans. If you or a loved one is bit by a brown recluse, seek medical attention quickly.

Pest problems require professional solutions! Our locally owned and operated business is eager to resolve your pest issue. To learn more about our Phoenix-area pest control services, give our team a call at (480) 986-8500 or fill out an online contact form, and a team member will reach out to you shortly.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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