
Here Are the 8 Most Common Summer Pests Here in Phoenix

by | May 21, 2015

What crosses your mind when you think of summers here in Phoenix? Maybe it’s the endless pool parties, the 3 months when the kids are out of school, the yummy summer snacks and drinks, or perhaps it is your strategy for not getting burned by the seat belt in your oven of a car. What about summer pests, though? Yuck.Unfortunately, pest control is one of those tedious chores we tend to think about after the fact, and while the intense summer heat might take a damper on our lifestyle, there are many summer pests that are as active as ever in the summertime.Some of them are very harmful and some are just bothersome. Either way, it is good to know what pests to keep your eye out for this summer and how to be preventative when it comes to summer pest control.

Here are the 7 most-common summer pests here in Phoenix

#1. Scorpions

It is no wonder this little creepy crawly made it to the top of our list. The bark scorpion is one of those famous pests we have here in Arizona- lucky us! Even though they are not one of those pests that look scary, they are dangerous. They will cause harm, and you should take whatever precautions necessary to avoid these little guys at ALL COSTS!

Sorry if that is a frightening reality, but if you have ever been stung by a scorpion, you know the pain they can cause. In young children or elderly people, they can cause much more than pain, an agonizing scorpion sting can actually cause severe physical symptoms and in extreme cases, it can potentially even be fatal. It is important to take necessary precautions to keep your home scorpion-free this summer!

#2. Tarantulas

There are around 30 different species of tarantulas in Arizona, and during monsoon season they become very active! They are venomous and will bite, but only if extremely aggravated and provoked to do so. During summer nights, you may see tarantulas wondering around the desert. As far as venomous spiders go, they are considered a gentile species and if left alone, will not cause harm.

#3. Ticks

The most common species of ticks in Arizona is the Brown Dog Tick. As their name would suggest, they are found to be most harmful to dogs. While dogs are preferable to these ticks, if a k-9 cannot be found, the ticks will feed on other animals and even humans. Brown Dog Ticks enjoy being around the Oleander Bushes that are commonly found throughout Arizona. Make sure to get preventative tick treatment for your pets this summer to keep these little blood-suckers away.

#4. Ants

These little pests are scavengers and can destroy a fun family picnic in no time at all! Since their attraction to food is so strong, within a matter of minutes of spilling food or a drink on the floor, you could find yourself with a collection of ants that was not there just a few minutes prior. While these tiny pests have food on their minds, they do have a painful little bite! Take precautions to keep food, drinks and other items such as dog or cat food picked up and stored away, so ants will pass up on your house and head to the next one!

#5. Bees

We largely begin to see a problem with wasps and bees in the mid to late spring, but continues throughout the summer. Bee attacks in Arizona have seem to become more and more frequent. These attacks are caused by the Africanized Honeybees here in Arizona that are know to be more territorial and aggressive, with little to no provocation.

It is important to know what to do, should you find yourself in the middle of a bee attack. Use caution and stay on the look out in trees and bushes where a colony resides.

#6. Cockroaches

These yucky little pests LOVE summertime in Arizona, and will quickly invade your home if you are not careful. Since sewers and storm drains are typically their breeding ground of choice, when it rains, they look for shelter. They do not need much room to squeeze inside an area only about 1/16th of an inch (about the width of a credit card.)

Cockroaches will avoid homes that have been treated for pests; but those that have not, are prime targets. Once they are inside, they will munch down on any and everything. Our suggestion is to get your home treated, especially before monsoon season sets in.

#7. Crickets

While the sweet hum of a cricket chirping at night may lull you to sleep, that chirping should be cause for concern. Where there are crickets, there will be scorpions. A little cricket is like a delicacy at a 5 star restaurant for a scorpion.

One technique for keeping scorpions away from your home during the summer is by eliminating their food source, and crickets make a perfect meal for a hungry scorpion!

#8. Spiders

There are a wide variety of spiders in Arizona, some harmful and some not. Spiders will typically form their webs outdoors. You will, often times, see them around your patio furniture, outdoor toys & equipment, and underneath that shady umbrella.

Avoid taking outside items into your house because you never really know if a spider or another type of pest could be hitching a ride into your home. When it comes to spiders this summer, always err on the side of caution. Should spiders become a large problem in or around your home, make sure to talk with a professional about your pest control options.

We offer preventative pest services for all seasons

When it comes to summer pests, its good to take a preventative approach. Since so many pests are still active during these hot summer months, you want to make sure and take the proper steps to keep your family, pets and home, safe.

Look for a quality pest control company to seek advice from and discuss your concerns when it comes to pest control this summer. Our team at Arizona’s Best Choice Pest & Termite Services will even give you a free inspection of your home to give you a better sense of what can be done about your summer pests.

Give us a call at (480) 986-8500 to schedule your free inspection.


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